Hey ladies! You’re invited to a new ministry at Highland Hills! It’s called PS150: HHCC Women's Group. We’ll be meeting in the Kids Zone every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-6:30. Bring a yoga mat or towel, some walking shoes, and a friend or a few! The focus for the first half of each class will be on our spiritual bodies. We will get in the word together and have opportunities to encourage each other. Then we will concentrate on our physical bodies for the last few minutes of each class. ALL fitness levels are welcome. Some days we will simply stretch from head to toe and other days we may go for a walk down the street. This class is not designed to get you in the best physical shape of your life, but the goal is to get moving and feel better physically while stretching your faith in the Lord tremendously! Each lesson will be a “one-off” so you won’t get behind if you miss a class or two. Don’t worry about that, just come when you can.
We hope to see you there!