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In June of 2010, God led Chad and Amanda Lockhart to host a small bible study in the basement of their home. The Lockharts had attended Hillvue Heights Church in Bowling Green, KY for several years, and they had desired that God begin a work in Glasgow similar to what they had experienced at Hillvue. Little did they know the journey that was about to begin with that bible study, which began with less than 15 people who experienced fellowship, worship, and the study of God’s word. In just a few short weeks, God had led over 60 people to the Lockhart’s basement! It was time to move!


The bible study moved to The Venue located on Reynolds Road in Glasgow, and continued to meet on alternating Sunday nights. It also got a new name - 6:8 Worship - to go with the new meeting place. The numbers “6:8” (which can still be seen behind the cross in the HHCC logo) refer to two well known and profound verses of scripture that served to build the foundation upon which HHCC would eventually be built. These verses are Isaiah 6:8 and Micah 6:8. 


6:8 Worship continued to grow as more and more people began to hear about what God was doing in this growing gathering of people. God was already at work as one person accepted Christ and was baptized during the Sunday night worship services.


In February of 2011, God made it clear that it was time to launch a new church in Glasgow, and on March 6, 2011, Highland Hills Community Church was born. Since that day, HHCC has seen over 170 people come to Christ and confess their faith through baptism! HHCC now has a thriving children’s ministry, a growing youth ministry that is seeing teens give their lives to Jesus, as well as our C3HD Life Groups that launch our adults on a lifetime path of becoming disciples of Christ!


Today, HHCC is a place for everyone regardless of age, race, socioeconomic status, religious background, or any other societal factor. We believe that ALL people, regardless of their past, have the opportunity to connect with Jesus and experience His love, mercy, forgiveness, freedom, and LIFE! We offer two Sunday morning services at 9:30 and 11:00am, with Children’s Church every Sunday at 9:30. Our youth, ages 13 and up, gather on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm at the church. If you would like more information, email, Check out our Facebook or Twitter, or come visit us on a Sunday morning! 


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